Palm Desert Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Proven Results with Customized TRT at Vitara Wellness
Biote testosterone replacement therapy utilizes customized hormone compounds that supplement each man’s personal physiology, determined by extensive lab work and patient consultation. Our program utilizes extensive clinical research and testing to ensure satisfactory results, with proven improvements in hormone balance and related symptoms.
At Vitara Wellness, we proudly offer Biote TRT pellets for our patients in Palm Desert seeking testosterone replacement. We trust the Biote results, and we know they can make a difference for you. Don’t waste days of your life feeling sluggish, out of sorts, or struggling with hormone-related sexual dysfunction. Let Vitara Wellness help you feel like yourself again.
Schedule your appointment with Vitara Wellness today
What is BHRT Pellet Therapy?
Why Choose Pellets Over Injections?
TRT injections involve intra-muscular administration of testosterone through injection, typically around the gluteal region. The benefits of injections include delivery of a precise, controlled dosage, fast absorption, and a lower cost than pellets. Unfortunately, there are also cons to TRT injections including, the frequency of administration, the potential for hormone fluctuation between injections, and injection site reactions.
Injections are needed on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, while pellets can provide continuous dosage over several months. Frequent administration may result in discomfort or reactions at the injection site. Additionally, because injections are often self-administered and may not be as consistent or regulated in their day/time, there is the risk of hormone level fluctuation. Fluctuations may lead to mood swings, energy dips, and other hormone-related symptoms.
What Are the Benefits of TRT for Men?
- Improved mood
- Increased energy
- Improved sex drive
- Stabilized bone density
- Stabilized heart health
- Improved sleep patterns